Hey guys, Dan here from the Dangerously Fit Academy. In this week’s video, I’m going to go through my three favorite movements with the mace.

I’m going to be using our Adjustable Maverick Mace. These are made of bamboo, and you can stack them with any Olympic size weight plates.

360 Squat Switch Rotational Uppercut

The first movement is the 360, squat, switch, rotational uppercut. This is an excellent full body movement. With the 360 working the grip, core, shoulders and upper back.

The squat targeting the legs, the switch curl hitting the arms and finally the rotational uppercut challenging the chest, shoulders and core.

It’s also a multi-planar movement with the upper body working in sagittal (linear) and transverse plane (rotational) and the lower body working in the sagittal plane.

Bondi Swing

The next exercise I call the Bondi Swing. It’s essentially a single arm 360 to paddle row and squat. This movement is extremely dynamic, I like to perform the Bondi Swing for time and really get the heart rate pumping. Again, this movement works multiple muscle groups in the upper and lower body and targets multiple planes of motion.     

360 Reverse Lunge to 360 Forward Lunge & Press

Lastly, is the 360 to Reverse Lunge, Forward Lunge & Press. This is a great bang for buck exercise that can be used if you’re short on time but want to get a lot done.

It hits multiple upper body muscle groups with the 360 and shoulder press hitting the upper body (particularly the shoulders), the forward lunge working the quad dominant muscles and the reverse lunge targeting the hip dominant muscles.