1. Wrist Stability: Keep your wrist fixed during heavy steel club training by using a hammer or saber grip. Avoid unnecessary rotation or flexion to prevent wrist strain.

  • Keep your wrist neutral.
  • No flexion or extension, no rotation.
  • Strong wrist, steady club.

2. Elbow Circles for Mills: Use your elbow, not your wrist, to move the club during mills and reverse mills. This ensures proper form and reduces strain.

  • Move with the elbow, not the wrist.
  • Circle the elbow, guide the club.
  • Elbow drives the motion.
  • Let the wrist follow the elbow.
  • Control the club with your elbow.

3. Four-Part Hinge: Incorporate a four-part hinge in your swings to maintain proper alignment, increasing power and preventing injury.

  • Hinge at the hips, don’t drop the shoulders.
  • Wait for the club to pass before hinging.
  • Drive hips back, feel the stretch.
  • Explode forward, keep the club connected.
  • Four steps: hinge, drive, float up, float down.