Bottoms Up Clean – This movement can be performed with a single or double kettlebell. Swing the kettlebell back like you would a skier swing and catch it at the top in the bottoms up position.
Bottoms Up Rack –This an excellent exercise to build the strength and stability needed for more complex bottoms up movements. Hold the kettlebell in the bottoms up rack position for time. Keep the elbow close to the body and your elbow pointing down. Once you are competent with one kettlebell add a second kettlebell to make it more challenging.
Bottoms Up Carry – Hold the kettlebell in the bottoms up rack postion. Keep the elbow close to the body and your elbow pointing down. Once you are comfortable in the rack simply walk for time or distance whilst holding the kettlebell. Once you are competent with one kettlebell add a second kettlebell to make it more challenging.
Bottoms Up Overhead Press – The overhead press can be performed with one or two kettlebells. Begin with the kettlebell/s in the racked position and strict press the kettlebell/s into an overhead locked out position.
Bottoms Up Snatch – This exercise is completed with one kettlebell using a skier swing or the standard swing through the legs. Instead of using the hook grip, use a crush grip and keep your wrist fixed as the kettllebell passes eye level and catch the kettlebell at the top in the bottoms up position.
Bottoms Up Turkish Get-Up – Before you attempt this exercise make sure you have mastered the standard TGU. Use a lighter bell than usual with the kettlebell in the bottoms up position and follow the same steps for performing a normal TGU.
Want to learn more about kettlebell training?
Click the button to check out our Dangerously Fit kettlebell certification, or… visit our online store to purchase your own kettlebell.